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An interview with P. D. Roberts conducted by K Johnson.

What inspired you to write your book?

I have always had a keen interest in writing stories. I get inspiration from many things, from my dreams to my nightmares. I also get a lot of inspiration from my brother as we regulary throw ideas off of each other.

How did you come up with the title?

It took me a while to come up with the title, Toby Ripwood in The Dark Sphere Enigma, as I had many different titles to begin with. One day I was speaking to my mother on the phone and she said enigma and I knew instantly that I wanted to use it.

Is there a message in your book?
I think many stories have a message hidden in them, but to answer that with a yes or no then yes, I think my story definitely has a message in it. I think it is down to the reader to discover what that message is and interpret it how they want to.
Do you see yourself in any of the characters?

I do tend not to make the characters similar to myself, but the main character, Toby, I do see alot of myself in him in respects to his inquistive mind and imaginative dreams. I also see myself in the villian of the story which is a fun way to experiment with my dark side. 

What is your favourite genre of book?

I have two favourites, I love a good horror story for the scares and I love fantasy for the magic and enchantment they bring.

Author Interview

What are your current projects?


I am currently working on the next installment of the Toby Ripwood series. It is going to be even more chaotic than the first with a lot more adventure so watch this space!

Do you see writing as a career?


Definitely, but you have to be comitted. It takes a long time to create a story, it took me three years to complete Toby Ripwood in The Dark Sphere Enigma. It is very rewarding seeing your book up for sale.

Is there anything you find challenging when writing?


I think the most challenging thing for me when writing is editing the first draft, because I do suffer with mild dyslexia so it can take me a while to correct any mistakes I may have made. I also think it can be difficult trying to push yourself to write when you are not in the mood. Dedication is the key!

Who designed the covers?


I designed and illustrated the covers. It took me a while to decide on the finished product. I think the cover is one of the most difficult things to do because people do judge books by their cover and you want to give the right impression.

Do you have any advice for new writers?


Stick to it and never give up. No matter how long it takes, if you have dream of becoming a proffessional then commit yourself to that dream and don't let anything put you off. Every writer, experienced or not, are always learning new things.

Finally, can you sum up Toby Ripwood in The Dark Sphere Enigma in five words?


Unique, exciting, scary, challenging and fun.

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